Reston, Va. – ASCE’s newest standard, Blast Protection of Buildings, ASCE/SEI 59-22, provides minimum requirements for planning, design, construction, and assessment of new and existing buildings subject to the effects of accidental or malicious explosions. This standard includes principles for establishing appropriate threat parameters, levels of protection, loadings, analysis methodologies, materials, detailing, and test procedures. It provides a comprehensive presentation of current practice in the analysis and design of structures for blast resistance.
An update of the 2011 version, this revision substantially updates requirements for materials detailing. Requirements related to lightweight concrete have been relaxed, but new requirements for welding structural steel are added. Sections are added for composite construction, both for concrete-and-steel composite and for fiber-reinforced polymer composite members. Methods to analyze glazing performance are updated, and a simplified approach to assess fragmentation is added to the provisions, with the more elaborate approach retained in the commentary.
Building owners and developers in the private and public sectors, and their design consultants including structural engineers, architects, and security experts will benefit from this standard.
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